Last Updated on October 3, 2022 by Dayanand Kadella
Is brain muscle not used at an optimal level? Proof about our brain usage can’t be given without the proper investigation and research. Scientists researched the brain of famous scientist Alberto Einstein and they discovered that he used 100% of his brain like every one of us has done. Numerous studies have been conducted on the human entire body, but the more complicated and interesting is to study the Brain and its functions, which control the entire body without being conscious or unconscious. The brain usage percentage of Einstein and ours’ is the same; 100% we humans have been using for ages. Although at different levels.
Here is the proof: is brain muscle not used at its optimal level?
The human brain and its skills have been studied extensively over many years, dispelling the myth that thinking is either right-brained or left-brained. Every component of the brain has a purpose and is essential to human function, contrary to popular belief. There is a lot of evidence to support these ideas, even if there is still more to discover. Here is the proof about our brain usage as research shows
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1. A brain scan
Through the use of non-invasive technology called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers may examine how the brain functions. They can see the flow of blood and oxygen in the brain as a human test subject performs various mental activities (or even just resting). These experiments demonstrate that a significant portion of the brain is active throughout all types of activities.
No part of the brain has been identified by researchers as not having any functions. Numerous kinds of brain imaging investigations demonstrate that no part of the brain is fully silent or inactive, according to research on medical beliefs.

2. Size of the Brain
The human brain is proportionately bigger than the brains of other animals, even our close monkey cousins, according to neuroscientists. If humans were only using a little percentage of our brains, we would not have developed such huge brains.
3. Brain Injury
The repercussions of brain damage, whether brought on by an accident, a stroke, or illnesses like dementia, highlight the significance of every component of the brain. There is not a single part of the brain that can be injured without having an impact.
4. Use of Brain Energy
Despite making up significantly less than 20% of the total body mass, the brain consumes about 20% of the body’s energy. Similar to brain size, the evolutionary theory contends that it would be counterproductive for the body to devote a significant amount of its energy to a mostly inactive organ.
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How to Boost Brain Activity
We may take measures to maintain the health and strength of our brains, even if our bodies already do a fantastic job of using every region of the brain. Keeping your body healthy helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease and perhaps slow down brain aging.

1. Eat Food that is Brain Muscle Fuel
According to research, several micronutrients may be important for maintaining brain function. A diet high in antioxidants, such as vitamin E and beta carotene, can aid in the prevention of many chronic diseases and also serve to support a healthy brain. Antioxidants are present in foods with vivid colors, such as blueberries, spinach, and sweet potatoes.

The health of the brain depends on omega-3 fatty acids, which are most frequently found in fish. Try to eat two servings or more of fish every week, or ask your doctor whether taking fish oil supplements is good for you. Fish oil has many benefits for health.
2. Brain Needs Exercise
You’ve seen the applications that claim to slow down the aging process of your brain. They are partially correct; cognitive training does assist to lower the risk of dementia.

However, any type of mental activity might be beneficial. Try solving jigsaw puzzles, reading, playing word games like crosswords, or picking up a new skill. More social stimulation (such as taking a class to learn a new language) promotes brain health.
3. Exercise Your Body
Exercise is crucial for both physical and mental wellness, as well as for brain health. The brain is really altered by physical exercise, which keeps it functioning properly.

Exercise improves blood flow to the brain, which helps the brain’s cells get energy in the form of glucose. And the benefits of exercise are both immediate and long-term.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Good quality sleep supports physical and mental health in the same ways that eating and exercise do. According to a study, sleep can enhance memory recall and “decrease mental tiredness.” The authors of research on the benefits of sleep on the brain state that “each phase of the sleep cycle heals and rejuvenates the brain for optimal performance.” Taking 6 to 8 hours of sleep is healthy for most people although it may vary from person to person, science has proved that 7 hours of sleep is good for health.

You can meditate to start boosting your sleep quality. There are some sleep mysteries you should know if you sacrifice your sleep.
5. Stay Hydrated
You may avoid headaches and dizzy symptoms by drinking adequate water. In order for your brain to work at its optimum, you must drink lots of water.

According to one research, even a little dehydration (by as little as 2%) can impair cognitive performance.
So, to nourish your body and brain, be sure to drink lots of water and other non-alcoholic, decaffeinated liquids.
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It’s a myth that we only use a limited 10% of our brains and that by taking a drug or supplement, we may access some sort of untapped mental capacity. Like in the movie from Hollywood; Limited 2011 showed. The majority of this intricate organ is already in use. But by routinely stimulating it and providing it with the food, water, and sleep that it requires, we have the power to maintain the brain’s health and strength. Some people say Einstein was the person who used the brain more than a normal person. But how can be possible not to use the whole of the brain, by stopping some portions to function?
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