Last Updated on October 2, 2022 by Dayanand Kadella

After the pandemic, people are looking to make money in the Online Industries. There is lot of potential in online businesses and people can make huge amount money from the comfort of their homes. Too many niches are available and peoples are already polishing and sharpening their dormant skills now a days. Remember, content of the story is the Spirit of the Story. Here are the 4 ways you can make money online by simply just writing stories:

1. Create a small Website/Blog:

The Best way is to just set up your personal website (Blog) and write compelling content of the stories about topics which are trending in the current market. Every day there are new problems people are facing and they are looking for their solutions. People also look for the relaxation from this overwhelming situation and speedy world and go for some sort of healing to their anxiety and stress. Therefore Writing stories which attracts people to read and stay engaged will help you to get more earning through ads and also through the affiliate links hidden in the terms inside your stories.


Medium – Where good ideas find you. is a free website you get exposure and have great chance to get more traffic through this on your personal site; if available. It is also one of the best stages where you don’t need your whole personal website but still you can make money by writing stories that attract visitors and throw them to the affiliate products whose links you have put in your post already. But the problem is in some of the regions this service is not available but may give access to such an opportunity in the near future.

3. Quora

Quora also gives you an opportunity to make money from the comfort of your home, like medium, but again this is also restricted in some of the countries. You can post your stories here, give them an affiliate link to your readers and send them to the actual product. Of course Good reviews means good traffic and good story you have written therefore readers get attracted. Stay yourself engaged with your readers and observe their interest and even hunt for that.

4. Social Media Platform -Facebook

Social Media Platform Like Facebook is also a good source of making money online by just posting good stories related to the trend of the market, again. But one thing should always be in mind that only good stories and a good amount of traffic will never make you money, there must be affiliate links somewhere in your story which will send your visitors to the linked-product and when your visitor purchase that product, you will be compensated with the profit as per product vendors business. Some people might be thinking that Facebook is already oversaturated and may not find satisfaction with the result, but remember you already need a platform which have to be a good source of traffic, and what Facebook already is; Oversaturated.

Conclusion: There are a lot of other platforms are available in the market -as you know Internet is a broad area where you can find whatever you look for; almost, but these are, I think some of the best ever and ever-green ways to make money by writing good and encouraging people-to-read stories. I hope this will help you.

Best of Luck!

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